Top / ステータスリファレンス

Now, take a look at the typical auto insurance proclamations page reveaed reverse. The resolutiones page will tell you how much you are picking, if QuotesChimp do buy med pay. Did you understand that the limitation of coverage is not inevitably the upper limit your corporation could have to pay? That's because, unlike indebtedness coverage, the medicine pay policy limitations do not refer to the complete coverage accessible, but instead to the total that can be amassed by each insured injured person. Therefore, if three individuals are severely injured in an injury where the owner/driver of the automobile had $2,000 in med pay coverage, the insurer could be on the hook to get $6,000 under the med cover terms.
* [[ステータスリファレンス]] [#oe6249fd]

sgcal.exe request state~

| ステータスコード | 意味                       |h
| -1               | 終了フェーズ               |
| 0                | 初期状態                   |
| 2                | カレンダーエントリー取得中 |
| 101              | 認証エラー                 |
| 102              | ネットワーク接続エラー     |
| 103              | 不明なネットワークエラー   |
| 104              | 通信成功したが,カレンダーリスト取得結果が0件 |
| 105              | カレンダーエントリー取得中の通信エラー        |
| 106              | プロクシエラー                                |
| 107              | ネットワークインタフェースエラー              |
| 200              | カレンダーリスト更新成功                      |
| 201              | カレンダーエントリー更新成功                  |

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