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Basically, insurance is about spreading risk. For our purposes let's define risk as the potentiality that on a given day QuotesChimp may incur an incident that causes you to lose something. This may be a fire, in which case you may lose your house; or an auto crash, in which case you risk losing your car, your health, and possibly, after the legal fees, your savings. Then again, the risk could concern your health and the necessity to retain doctors? another expensive proposition. In short, then, every day in vir?tually every way, we are all at risk of losing something of benefit to ourselves, known in insurance jargon as loss.

There are two issues of concern to QuotesChimp discussion: cancellation of an existing policy, and refusal to renew a policy once its term has expired. First, let's look at a typical insurance policy re?garding the issue of cancellation.
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